Today is victory over yourself of yesterday, tomorrow is victory over a lesser foe.
— Miyamoto Musashi

Growing up, I was a child of boundless energy, with not a worry in the world. My days were filled with the joy of playing tennis and running track at a competitive level. I dreamt of becoming a professional athlete, ready to take on the world. But life, with its unexpected twists, had different plans.

The turning point came when my father was robbed and shot at gunpoint in his convenience store. Miraculously, he survived, but at 17, I was unprepared for the immense stress that followed. I took on the responsibility of running the store for two years, working 16-18 hour days, seven days a week. It was a relentless grind that took a toll on my health.

Back then, I didn’t grasp the importance of epigenetics, grounding, natural sunlight, or a clean diet. My youthful vigor allowed me to outpace my diet, but the intense stress eventually caught up with me. Slowly, then all at once, I became ill. The vibrant energy that once propelled me out of bed each morning vanished. I’ll never forget the days when my hands were too weak to squeeze toothpaste out of a tube.

Fast forward 20+ years, and I am now the healthiest I have ever been. It's surreal to be here, thriving after such a challenging journey. We are all on our own paths, and the autoimmune journey is unique for each of us. If you're reading this and even the smallest tasks feel insurmountable, know that I've been there. I wish I could reach through this screen and give you a hug, but for now, a digital embrace will have to suffice.

Whether you’re here at the beginning of my blogging journey or somewhere in the middle, I’m grateful for your presence. This wild process we call healing is a shared adventure, and I wish you all the best on your own journey. Welcome to a space where we can grow, heal, and thrive together. 

  • About

    A little backstory…

  • Poetry/Life

    Random thoughts, meditations, poems, and musings…

  • Products/Reviews

    Some bio-hacks and breakdowns of supplements that love and use